Our Planet

Ecological Vision Statement


LIVE CLIMATE came about as an homage to the upcoming 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a way of celebrating the grassroots movement that has taken us far – but not far enough.
The first celebration of Earth Day on April 22, 1970 marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement, bringing awareness to the harm we humans were doing to our planet. Since then, the state of our Earth and our stewardship of Earth’s resources have taken a turn for the worse.

A global climate crisis is upon us. Careless and continuous human activity has created unprecedented environmental circumstances that can no longer be ignored. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, along with the clearing of land for agricultural and industrial purposes have been major causes for the degradation of global environmental conditions.

The fragile beauty of this Earth has never been more poignant. Our global biosphere is screaming for attention as polar ice caps melt, wildfires rage out of control, and mountains of plastic build up in our oceans. In the past 150 years, atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen to over 400 parts per million and global average temperatures have risen more than one degree Celsius. We have grown complacent. To quote Joni Mitchell: “We are stardust, and we’ve got to get back to the garden”. This is a time for action, not words.

Predicted effects of global climate change include the continued rise of global average temperatures, more evaporation and precipitation overall, and changes in global weather cycles. Climate change is a major cause of crises such as rising sea levels, shrinking glaciers, accelerated sea ice melt and shifts in flower blooming times. Higher average temperatures could lead to increased drought, wildfire and species extinction. Human activities directly result in air and water pollution, habitat loss and species extinction, and are the leading cause of global climate change and global warming.

Climate change is a complex, global problem and will require personal change as well as international, regional and local policy change. It is up to us what happens next! BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD!

Let’s grow some love for our home planet! We must wave the banners for peace, unity and global awareness, all together now. The message is of LOVE, JOY and HOPE, and the messenger is the MUSIC. Let’s make a new mantra for this generation and enter the decade of 2020 with a profound celebration of the power of LOVE. We all have a dream: to thrive and blossom and allow our Earth and all its inhabitants to do the same. THE TIME HAS COME!


Herein, we share this video as an emblem of hope: The Venus Project.


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